But some time, when God give us a lot of the options in our live that must be decided quickly. Do you feel great with it? Hm, depend to our condition, right?
Hm, Live is not easy bro. As like Pak Budi say:
"Many people think that my life is easy. Well, they don’t know half of it. Life is full of struggles, my friend. Everyday I have to deal with many things. Things that need quick decisions (and affecting many, by the way) and actions. Some of things my tear my heart apart. If you see me smiling and laughing, that’s because I chose to do so."
So what should we do if we have a bit more the option to decided, but we are not suitable with the condition? Which one must be prefer then the other?
Oh may God! It's not easy to life... It's Hard To Make Choice of... (You Know what I mean Novi? Related with my sis prob)
yap, i see...
if i were your sis, i'll make a same choice: over it. hehehe....
@novi: hm, but how to over it all? hi(k)8x.. :)
not depend 2 but depend on
@restu: thx for the corect! I'll change as like u'r advice.. thx alot res.. :)
maksudnya,over them :D
yup. life is full with choices. sometimes you pick good ones, other times bad ones.
but don't worry. we'll deal with them as they come along.
good luck.
whuaaah, akhirnya pak budi ngasih koment juga disini. makasih pak. akhirnya seleb blog sudi mampir. :)
Good luck juga buat bapak.
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