Saturday, October 23, 2010

South Carolina is famous for sea tourism. The hotels and resorts are growing rapidly. The development of  resorts and tourism sector have made South Carolina to be a destination for day trips.

Just look at the Myrtle Beach, one area in South Carolina, many resorts are built and offered as an alternative place in the summer vacation. But not many resorts / hotels that offer a 'fun atmosphere' for a vacation. Myrtle Beach hotel is an excellent alternative to be selected. With good view and adequate infrastructure, we can enjoy a happy holiday.
Do everything at will. Swimming, sunbathe or even playing a few rounds of golf on the sidelines of your vacation. So wonderful vacation, ha?

Myrtle Beach hotel also offers a competitive price. Maybe you can try to make Myrtle Beach vacation deals to get discount. Visit the official website at soon, and make a deal wisely!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dah lama ga bikin tulisan ga jelas online. :p

Dulu, duluuuu sekali saya adalah seorang mahasiswa berplat merah sekaligus merangkap nyambi jadi pengajar les private untuk anak SMP dan SMA. Kebanyakan (so iye!) dari murid-muridku adalah SMP Internasional 19 mayestik, SMA 70 Bulungan ama SMA 16. Dapet muridnya pun dari mulut ke mulut. (Sebelumnya ikut lembaga les private gt, namun keluar karena pembagiannya tidak terlalu menguntungkan. Dan akhirnya gw milih bersolo karier waktu itu. Alah!) Nah lo tuh murid sekecil apa sampe bisa dipindah antar mulut. Lol!

Bermula dari iseng-iseng nyari tambahan uang jajan, ngisi waktu luang saat di kost ga ada kerjaan, sampe akhirnya kudapatkan kepuasaan saat saya nekad nitip absen atau minta izin ke dosen hanya untuk ngajar karena si anak mau ujian besok paginya. Seneng bisa bolos kuliah! haha ^^

Dan sampe sekarang senang dan puas itu masih ada. Karena entah kenapa si Ibu yang anaknya dulu pernah gw ajar dan setelah gw ajar prestasinya melonjak pesat (ini sih faktor anaknya juga yang mau belajar sebenernya, bukan karena gw yang ngajar. hehe), sampe detik ini masih aja suka telp-telp gw. Dulu pernah minta gw buat ngajar lagi adiknya lah, ngasih saran mana yg harus anaknya pilih buat kuliah lah (antara STAN dan Perminyakan Trisakti), sampe barusan si ibunya mau ngajak jalan-jalan tuh anak entah kemana, minta pertimbangan gw boleh engganya.  Bujug dagh! Emang gw bapaknya itu anak apa?  ^^

Tapi gw seneng aja ama keluarga itu anak. Berasa inilah sebenar-benarnya kehidupan! Bagai sebuah oase udara segar dalam pengapnya polusi kota metropolitan. Menyenangkan! Ternyata masih bisa kutemukan sebulir embun yang menyegarkan. Menyenangkan! Meski tak banyak....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gold is the prectigious metal. Let's flash back in several years ago, when the economist did determination for the standard world currency in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire at 1944 . Still remember how the US Dollar won and being the standard world currency, and Pounsterling was lost? Knowing what was the caused. The US Dollar won for being the standard world currency because they were supported by Gold. So, the point here is Gold being the determinant, and Gold have great prospect in the past even in the next.

And now, Gold also being the determinant for saving our asset. As you know from the financial news that nowdays are uncertain global economic with high rate of risk of inflation. There are no choice to save our asset in uncertain global economic, except Gold of course. There are many choice to save our asset on gold. One of them is by placing physical Gold in IRA's or gold 401k. But how to put gold in an IRA? What is the IRA Gold? It's better if you go right now to the place that i recommend for buying Gold IRA online at

So what are you waiting for? Let's buy Gold IRA soon, save your asset and see the gold prospect then!